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[Daf Hashavuah Weeky Email] Pesachim 8

05/28/2014 10:58:02 PM


Daf Hashavuah Weekly Email

Please note that Daf 8 is last week's daf. 

Pesachim 7b-8a

אין בודקין לאור החמהWe don’t check using the light of the sun.

               The Yerushalmi asks rhetorically, is there sun during the night? The Yerushalmi explains that this gemora is teaching us that even is a situation that one must check for chametz during the day, one should not use the light of the sun but should rather use a candle. This is because there remain places in the shadows that need a candle or other directable light.


שמא תאבד לו מחטPerhaps one will have lost a needle.

               Our gemora explains if during the performance of a mitzvah one also has an additional non-mitzvah purpose for doing the same act it is nevertheless considered as fulfilling the mitzvah. The  gemora tells us that one who is involved with a mitvah will not encounter any bad occurrence. This is only during the actual fulfillment of the mitzvah, after the mitzvah has concluded, one may be damaged if he continues.

The Mishna Berurah (38:24) quotes the Magen Avraham that those who write teffilin for pay are not considered as being involved in a mitzvah. It seems that this statement contradicts our gemora, as these sofrim should be considered as fulfilling a mitzvah. The difference may be what one’s primary intention is, in our case the primary act is the search for chametz, the missing needle is only secondary. The sofer however needs a paycheck, the fact that he is fulfilling a mitzvah while writing the teffilin is secondary. Another distinction is that the Magan Avraham is discussing being exempt from fulfilling a mitzvah while performing another, our gemora however deals with being saved from danger while performing a mitzvah.


Pesachim 8b

הרי זה צדיק גמור – ..He is considered a complete tzaddik.

What is the appellation ‘complete tzaddik’? Rabbenu Chananel in Masseches Rosh Hashana writes that some write צדקה גמורה, complete charity. The Chofetz Chaim has in fact praised this text as it appears to be more correct.


איך אלך ושמע שאול והרגניHow can I go? Shaul will hear and will kill me.

This is slightly problematic as Shumuel heard his mission to anoint Dovid directly from Hashem. Why was Shmuel concerned for any danger on the way? Rav Elyashiv zt”l explains that Shmuel was asking how he should proceed in his mission. Was he to proceed publicly and rely on the protection of Hashem, or should he take precautions to minimize the visible concern of danger. The response he received was that he should take the precautions. From here we learn that in situations of clear danger one cannot rely that one is on a mitzva mission.
This understanding gives us a new translation of the word איך used in our gemora. Normally this is understood as Shmuel questioning if he should go on the dangerous mission at all. With the above understanding, we can read the gemora as Shmuel asking in what manner should he go.  

Now is a great time to join a Daf shiur!
Weekly shiurim Sunday -Rabbi Zev Cohen-7:15-8:00 Shabbos-Dr. Yakov Weil after the 7:15 Shacharis
 Daily Shiurim (M-F) - Rabbi Yechiel Pisem 7:45-8:00am | Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick 7:40-8:30

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