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(1009) Mishna Berurah in your Mailbox

04/01/2015 02:39:18 PM


Your Daily Halacha: Mishna Berurah in your Mailbox

# 9 Mishna Berurah Chelek Aleph Siman 3-4 Page ח 
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 

From the Poskim. 

The Shulchan Aruch writes that one who holds in the urge to relieve oneself transgressed the prohibition of baal tshaktsu. (ויקרא יא:מג). This prohibition includes doing certain things that are physically repulsive.  The prohibition does not  apply to one who holds in the urge to pass gas. The Aishel Avraham explains that this prohibition

of holding in the urge to relieve oneself is only in effect, when one is unable to distract himself from the urge.

This prohibition is waived in situations that would cause one to experience an element of embaresment (כבוד הבריות). For example, while one is attempting to locate an appropriate location to use as a restroom. (Mishna Berura #31). Another example brought by the Mishna Berura (Simah 92 #7) is a teacher or public speaker who would be embarrassed to interrupt a lecture to excuse himself to go to the restroom. 

Background to the Halacha

In Siman 4 we begin to learn the halachos of washing one's hands. (This siman does not cover washing one's hand for food.).

Regarding washing in the morning upon awakening, there is a dissagrement among the Rishonim. 

The Rosh writes that since one's hands are 'busy' during the night and most assuredly have touch unclear areas of one’s body during the night, one must wash upon awakening..

The Rashba writes that after sleep we are deemed to be a 'new creation'. We must thank Hashem for this. To do so we must make certain preperations. The Rashba writes that it was simply established that we wash our hands in the morning in preparation for prayer, similar to a Kohen, who washes from the kiyor prior to performing his avodah.

There are a numerous differences between these two reasons as we will see in this siman. 

A quick halacha

The Aishel Avraham (siman 1) writes that if you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom and intend on immiedetily returning to bed, you need not wash your hands. 

Questions and Feedback

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This email is intended as a supplement and review to your daily Mishna Berurah learning, but is available for everyone even if you do not participate in the program.  We will be following the Dirshu Schedule. Please understand that these emails should not be relied upon for Halachic Psak. If there is something that you question, please ask. These emails are complied by Rabbi Mordechai Millunchck.


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