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(1010) Mishna Berurah in your Mailbox

04/02/2015 02:03:26 PM


Your Daily Halacha: Mishna Berurah in your Mailbox

# 10 Mishna Berurah Chelek Aleph Siman 3-4 Page ח 
Thursday, April 2, 2015 

From the Poskim

When is the best time to make the bracha upon washing one’s hand in the morning? There are a number of accepted answers to this question. The Mishna Berura (4), quoting the Magen Avraham, says that one should say the bracha only after one has washed his hands upon using the facilities. This is typically the second time that one has washed in the morning.

The Chayei Adam (and the Gra) write that one should delay the bracha until one has fully prepared for davening. The Beur Halacha has a lengthy discussion regarding this and offers an additional option of delaying saying this bracha until one is ready to say all the birkas hashachar, which can then be recited collectively.

Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (see Ishei Yisroel chap. 2 note 105*) states that even if one knows that he will need to use the bathroom again before the beginning of krias shema, he nonetheless should say a bracha when he washes before davening. 

Up all night?

One who stayed awake all night, and therefore is not considered to have become a new creation, is unable to say Asher Yatzar (unless of course he uses the facilities) (Mishna Berurah #3). Concerning washing one’s hands, one should still wash with a bracha. This is according to both opinions cited above, as well as according to the Rosh, that one  must still prepare for davening. According to the Rashba either Chazal say lo plug (do not make any differences in their decree) or as the Beur Halacha writes, the bracha was (also) established on the daily renewing of the world, not just on the renewal of the person himself. 

A quick halacha

If you forgot to wash or say the bracha before davening you are no longer able to the bracha but you still need to wash you hands if you have not already done so. 

Questions and Feedback


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This email is intended as a supplement and review to your daily Mishna Berurah learning, but is available for everyone even if you do not participate in the program.  We will be following the Dirshu Schedule. Please understand that these emails should not be relied upon for Halachic Psak. If there is something that you question, please ask. These emails are complied by Rabbi Mordechai Millunchck.


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