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Shiur tonight

06/12/2014 03:16:02 PM


Reminder ~ there will not be a VAAD tonight.

However, there will be a halacha shiur!

Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick will be giving the halacha shiur at 8:30 pm on


[Daf Hashavuah Weeky Email] Pesachim 8

05/28/2014 10:58:02 PM


Daf Hashavuah Weekly Email

Please note that Daf 8 is last week's daf. 

Pesachim 7b-8a

אין בודקין לאור החמהWe don’t check using the light of the sun.

               The Yerushalmi asks rhetorically, is there sun during the night? The Yerushalmi explains that this gemora is teaching us that even is a situation that one must check for chametz during the day, one should not use the light of the sun but should rather use a candle. This is because there remain places in the shadows that need a candle or other directable light.


שמא תאבד לו מחטPerhaps one will have lost a needle.

               Our gemora explains if during the performance of a mitzvah one also has an additional non-mitzvah purpose for doing the same act it is nevertheless considered as fulfilling the mitzvah. The  gemora tells us that one who is involved with a mitvah will not encounter any bad occurrence. This is only during the actual fulfillment of the mitzvah, after the mitzvah has concluded, one may be damaged if he continues.

The Mishna Berurah (38:24) quotes the Magen Avraham that those who write teffilin for pay are not considered as being involved in a mitzvah. It seems that this statement contradicts our gemora, as these sofrim should be considered as fulfilling a mitzvah. The difference may be what one’s primary intention is, in our case the primary act is the search for chametz, the missing needle is only secondary. The sofer however needs a paycheck, the fact that he is fulfilling a mitzvah while writing the teffilin is secondary. Another distinction is that the Magan Avraham is discussing being exempt from fulfilling a mitzvah while performing another, our gemora however deals with being saved from danger while performing a mitzvah.


Pesachim 8b

הרי זה צדיק גמור – ..He is considered a complete tzaddik.

What is the appellation ‘complete tzaddik’? Rabbenu Chananel in Masseches Rosh Hashana writes that some write צדקה גמורה, complete charity. The Chofetz Chaim has in fact praised this text as it appears to be more correct.


איך אלך ושמע שאול והרגניHow can I go? Shaul will hear and will kill me.

This is slightly problematic as Shumuel heard his mission to anoint Dovid directly from Hashem. Why was Shmuel concerned for any danger on the way? Rav Elyashiv zt”l explains that Shmuel was asking how he should proceed in his mission. Was he to proceed publicly and rely on the protection of Hashem, or should he take precautions to minimize the visible concern of danger. The response he received was that he should take the precautions. From here we learn that in situations of clear danger one cannot rely that one is on a mitzva mission.
This understanding gives us a new translation of the word איך used in our gemora. Normally this is understood as Shmuel questioning if he should go on the dangerous mission at all. With the above understanding, we can read the gemora as Shmuel asking in what manner should he go.  

Now is a great time to join a Daf shiur!
Weekly shiurim Sunday -Rabbi Zev Cohen-7:15-8:00 Shabbos-Dr. Yakov Weil after the 7:15 Shacharis
 Daily Shiurim (M-F) - Rabbi Yechiel Pisem 7:45-8:00am | Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick 7:40-8:30

Welcome to the new Daf Hashavuah weekly email. This email will iy"h serve as medium for further insights and discussion of the weekly daf. This email will consist of a few short insights and questions on the daf. Archives of these emails will be stored at Subscription can be sent to

[Daf Hashavuah Weeky Email] Pesachim 6

05/08/2014 10:57:02 PM


Daf Hashavuah Weekly Email

Pesachim 6a

Rashi (ד"ה אפילו מראש השנה) writes דכי הדר ביה בימי הפסח עבר עליה וההיא שעתא לאו ברשותיה היא דליבטליה שהרי איסור הנאה הוא ואינו שלו וכשראהו עובר עליה- When one returns during the days of Pesach one has transgressed and at that time he is no longer able to do bittul because it is not considered his as it is forbidden to derive benefit from and when he see it he has transgressed.
A basic reading of this Rashi seems to imply that the two prohibitions of bal yiraeh and bal yimatzeh are transgressed at different times. Bal yiraeh is transgressed when there is chametz in one’s possession. Rashi here suggests that bal yimatzeh is not transgressed until one sees the chametz. (Even according to this understanding the prohibition would only be to see chametz that one has in his possession, there is no general prohibition to set ones sights on a good piece of chametz.)
This understanding is in contrast to the opinion of the Rosh (siman 9) who writes that the prohibition is not to have chametz in a place that it could be seen, not that there is a prohibition to actually see the chametz.

Pesachim 6b

Our gemora is clear that bittul is enough to avoid the prohibitions of bal yiraeh and bal yimatzeh, even though one has not actively destroyed the chametz. What is the mechanism by which bittul works?
Tosfos (4b ד"ה מדאורייתא) explain that bittul is a form of hefker, making it ownerless. Since the chametz has no owner it may even remain in ones home.
The Ran writes that if bittul were to employ the mechanics of hefker, the wording of the bittul should include some mention of hefker. (Our text in fact does mention hefker, but the Ran’s text clearly did not.) More importantly Rabbi Yossi writes that an item make ownerless through hefker does not leave one’s possession until someone else takes it. If so the bittul should not work. The gemora writes that chametz is one of two items that the Torah obligates one as if he owns it, even though he no longer has official ownership. Because chametz is prohibited to derive benefit from it is no longer in his reshus, domain, the prohibition of bal yiraeh however ‘returns’ the chametz back to his possession. The Ran explains that bittul is not the typical hefker, rather it works to stop the chametz from ‘returning’ to his possession.
Rashi (4b ד"ה בביטול בעלמא) writes that bittul is a way to fulfill the command of “tashbisu” meaning that one must either physically destroy the chametz or mentally ‘destroy’ the food so that it is no long considering as food. According to Rashi bittul does not employ the mechanics of hefker in any way.


שואלים ודורשים בהלכות הפסח קודם הפסח שלשים יוםWe ask regarding and darshan about the halchos of Pesach thirty days before Pesach.

The gemora in Megilah (32a) writes a similar but different statement. “Moshe established for Yisroel that should ask about and teach the matters of the day on that day, the halachos of Pesach on Peasch, the halachos of Atzeres (Shavuos) on Atzeres and the halchos of Chag (Sukkos) on the Chag.” The implication of this gemora is that the only obligation to regarding teaching the halchos is on the Yom Tov itself.

The Ran resolves the difficulty stating that in fact there is only a broad based halacha to learn the laws of each Yom Tov on the Yom Tov themselves. The concept of thirty days is one which relates to Rabbonim and teachers that they must be prepared to answer a question that relates to Peasch thirty days in advance.

The Bais Yosef (429) suggests in a different way that of course each person must learn the laws of each Yom Tov in advance. We must all clean for Peach, build Sukkahs and purchase a lulav and esrog, and in order to do so we need to be sufficiently proficient in the halchos. That which Moshe established to learn about Yom Tov in its time, the Bais Yosef explains, refers to learning about the ideas and lessons of each holiday.


Interesting point:

 דילמא בארבעה בירחא או בחמשה בירחא – Perhaps (Moshe) spoke to them on the fourth or the fifth of the month.

The gemora suggests that Moshe told Klal Yisroel about the specialness of Rosh Chodesh Nissan and the mitzvah of sanctifying the new month (החודש הזה לכם) on the fourth or fifth of the month. The sefer Shalom Yehudah (quoted in Drash V’Iyun page 26) uses our gemora as a support to the novel opinion of the Ramban (Kiddush Hachodesh 3:15). The Ramban writes that the new month can be sanctified retroactively if witnesses come at that time. Thus it is understandable that Moshe can relay the commandment of Kiddush Hachodesh even once the month has already begun.

               Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch (Pshat v’Iyun) writes that it is possible that Moshe sanctified the new month himself, even before he relayed the  mitzvah, there is therefore not proof. 



This week's and last week's shiur.

Pesachim 6 - May 04, 2014 (37:37 min)

Pesachim 5 - April 27, 2014 (31:47)

Now is a great time to join a Daf shiur!
Weekly shiurim Sunday -Rabbi Zev Cohen-7:15-8:00 Shabbos-Dr. Yakov Weil after the 7:15 Shacharis
 Daily Shiurim (M-F) - Rabbi Yechiel Pisem 7:45-8:00am | Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick 7:40-8:30

Welcome to the new Daf Hashavuah weekly email. This email will iy"h serve as medium for further insights and discussion of the weekly daf. This email will consist of a few short insights and questions on the daf. Archives of these emails will be stored at Subscription can be sent to

[Daf Hashavuah Weeky Email] Pesachim 5

04/30/2014 12:35:03 PM


Daf Hashavuah Weekly Email

Pesachim 4b

דכולי עלמא מיהא חמץ משש שעות ולמעלה אסורEveryone agrees that chametz is prohibited from six hours and beyond.

The discussion of our gemora regards the obligation to destroy chametz (תשביתו) before the onset of Pesach. This obligation of תשביתו does not necessarily correlate to the prohibition of bal yiraeh.

Rishonim discuss when the prohibition of bal yiraeh begins. The Raavad (Chametz Umatza 3:8) says that this prohibition begins only when Pesach begins. The majority of Achronim (Magid Mishna) understand that the Rambam concurs with this. Others (Nodah B’Yehuda kama 20) however say that the prohibition of bal yeraeh begins at the sixth hour of Erev Pesach, similar to the obligation of תשביתו.


Pesachim 5a

Our gemora deals with the prohibition of having chametz in one’s possession during Pesach. This prohibition is referred to as bal yiraeh bal yimatzeh, lit. you shall not see and you shall not find, or bal yiraeh for short.

Chametz does not have to be completely yours in order to be included in this prohibition, various forms of legal liability are also included. Our gemora begins its discussion by noting that one can transgress bal yiraeh when there is chametz in ones home that is owned by a non-Jew if you have accepted liability for it.

Poskim discuss if one is allowed to insure chametz. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shelmo 6:1) is of the opinion that a Jew can insure the chametz of a non-Jew because even though he is obligated to pay in case of a loss, he does not have any other obligation to watch or guard the item. Additionally in general the insurance is not on the chametz directly rather the insurance is provided for all items in a home, which may include chametz. If the items are removed from the premises, they are no longer covered.


Pesachim 5b

דאמר להו רבא לבני מחוזא בעירו חמירא דבני חילא מבתייכוRava says remove the chametz of the soldiers from your homes.

This gemora, as well as others (see above 4a דחמירא דידיה הוא), uses the term chamira to refer to all types of chametz. The Targum however (see for example Unkelos to Shemos 13:7) translates chametz as חמיעא, and leaven (שאור) as חמירה. The text that is generally said for bittul chametz includes both terms. כל חמירה וחמיעה Interestingly the text of the Yerushalmi is כל חמץ, any chametz in my possesion, which avoids this issue.) 


This week's and last week's shiur.

Pesachim 5 - April 27, 2014 (31:47)

Pesachim 4 - April 20, 2014 (Chol Hamoed Pesach)

Now is a great time to join a Daf shiur!
Weekly shiurim Sunday -Rabbi Zev Cohen-7:15-8:00 Shabbos-Dr. Yakov Weil after the 7:15 Shacharis
 Daily Shiurim (M-F) - Rabbi Yechiel Pisem 7:45-8:00am | Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick 7:40-8:30

Welcome to the new Daf Hashavuah weekly email. This email will iy"h serve as medium for further insights and discussion of the weekly daf. This email will consist of a few short insights and questions on the daf. Archives of these emails will be stored at Subscription can be sent to

[Daf Hashavuah Weeky Email] Pesachim 4

04/25/2014 08:08:03 AM


Daf Hashavuah Weekly Email

Pesachim 4a

הילכך היא צורבא מרבנן לא לפתח בעידניהAbbei says that because as a result of the mitzvah to search one’s home for chametz early in the night, one should not begin study of Torah at that time.

While this halacha applies to everyone (as expressed in the Shulchan Aruch), the exact words of Abbei refer to a צורבא מרבנן, a student of the sages. Some note this, as they allow one to attend a class or Torah lecture outside of one's home before the bedika. 

Rabbi Eliezer Meir Horowitz (in his glosses found the in back of the gemora) writes that we do not find a prohibition to learn before the fulfillment of a mitzvah that can be done afterwards. Here however the sages established the ideal time for searching for chametz at the time that people are at their homes in order that we don’t miss the best time for searching. They therefore made such a decree. 


המשכיר בית לחבירו על מי לבדוק If one rents a room to another who has the obligation to search for chametz?

In response to this question, Rishonim and Achronim discuss who, the renter or the lesser, has the onus of the prohibition of בל יראה בל ימצא, that the search for the chametz will rectify. Some (see Rabbenu Dovid, Chidushi HaRan among others) write that on the Torah level, neither would transgress the prohibition. The renter is not beholden by the prohibition because the chometz is not his and the lesser also not obligated because the chametz is no longer in his domain. There is nevertheless an obligation to search for chametz. The only question is who is obligated. Others (Maharshal’s understanding of Rashi’s opinion) write that it is the lesser who is obligated as the chametz is his. The Magen Avraham (437) writes that the renter is obligated.

Pesachim 4b

דמדאורייתא בביטול בעלמא סגי ליה – On the Torah level it is enough to negate the chametz

Rishonim discuss the source that bittul, negation of the chametz, is enough to avoid the prohibition of owning chametz. Rashi writes that since the Torah uses the word תשביתו, destroy, and does not use the word תבערו, burn, it is apparent that one can fulfill the ‘destruction’ of chametz with mental negation of chametz. Tosfos however disagree and opine that תשביתו also refers to physical destruction of chametz. They explain that bittul works using the mechanics of hefker.  


Daf News:

The Chevra Shas wishes condolences to Dr. Yakov Weil on the loss of his father. 

This week's and last week's shiur.

Pesachim 4 - April 20, 2014 (Chol Hamoed Pesach)

Pesachim 3 - April 13, 2014 

Now is a great time to join a Daf shiur!
Weekly shiurim Sunday -Rabbi Zev Cohen-7:15-8:00 Shabbos-Dr. Yakov Weil after the 7:15 Shacharis
 Daily Shiurim (M-F) - Rabbi Yechiel Pisem 7:45-8:00am | Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick 7:40-8:30

Welcome to the new Daf Hashavuah weekly email. This email will iy"h serve as medium for further insights and discussion of the weekly daf. This email will consist of a few short insights and questions on the daf. Archives of these emails will be stored at Subscription can be sent to

[Daf Hashavuah Weeky Email] Pesachim 3

04/14/2014 08:34:02 AM


Welcome to the new Daf Hashavuah weekly email. This new email will iy"h serve as medium for further insights and discussion of the weekly daf. This email will consist of a few short insights and questions on the daf. Archives of these emails will be stored at If you would like to continue to receive this email weekly please respond to this email noting that you wish to be added to the daf Hashavuah mailing list.

Note: This will be the last week this email will be sent to the entire mailing list. Beginning next week this email will only be sent to subscribers. 



Pesachim 3a
ותנא דידן מאי טעמא לא קתני לילה - Why did our tana not use the word lailah
The Meiri writes that even though the word לילהis not inappropriate language, nevertheless it is not considered לשון כבוד, honorable language. When beginning the massechta the tanna selected the choicest of words. The Meiri notes that this is expressed in the passuk (Tehillim 119:139) ״פתח דבריך יאיר״, 'Your beginnings words should be enlightening' . [Interestingly this passuk also alludes to us that Masseches Pesachim (פסח  is phonetically related to פתח) should begin with the word ohr (יאיר). The Raavad takes another approach, saying that whenever the Tanna wishes to tell us that we should begin at the beginning of the night, even before it is fully dark, the word ohr is used. 

אל יצא אדם דבר מגונה מפיו - An inappropriate word should not leave your mouth
The Imrei Emes (Gur) notes that in our massechess that the Tanna was particular to begin with refined language. This is because the word Pesach refers to proper speech (פה סח). The antagonist of the Yom Tov, Pharaoh, alludes to inappropriate speech.

Pesachim 3b

הנהו תרי תלמידי... שויתינן האי שמעתא כדבר אחר... ולא אישתעי רב בהדי דהאיך
הנהו תרי תלמידי... מפני מה אין מוסקין בטהרה...מובטח אני בזה שמורה הלכה בישראל
הנהו תלתא כהני.. הגיעני כזנב הלטאה... ומצאו בן שמץ פסול
There were two students.. one said this teaching is to me like something else (a euphemism for a pig), .. and Rav did not deal with this student
There were two students.. one asked why are we not careful to harvest grapes in a state of purity.. I am sure that this student will be one who decides halacha. 
There were three kohanim .. one said give to me like the tail of lizard.. and they found a defect in his lineage. . 
From this gemora we can see ones subconscious choice of words can serve as a barometer for his spiritual station. In each of the three examples cited by the gemora we see this idea. In the first, Rav, noticed a student who was unable to relate to what he had learned in a refined fashion. The second student who was careful in his question would become someone who would be able to discern fine details. (note: Some opinions say that it was the second student who asked 'why are we careful to avoid tumah while we harvest' was the one that would become the decider of halacha.) In the third example, that of the kohain, the chachomim were able to discern a previously undetected defect in his lineage. 
This idea is related to us in Derech Eretz Zutah (chapter 5) "There are four things through which a talmid chacham can be recognized.... and some say by their speech" The Maharal (Nesitiv Hatznius Chapter 3) writes that a person's speach is compared to a fruit. Just as the fruit speaks of the overall health of the tree, so too, one's speech reflects who he is. 

 חג פסח שמח!

To listen to this week's shiur please check the website after Yom Tov. 

Now is a great time to join a Daf shiur!
Weekly shiurim Sunday -Rabbi Zev Cohen-7:15-8:00 Shabbos-Dr. Yakov Weil after the 7:15 Shacharis
[No daily shiurim until after Pesach] Daily Shiurim (M-F) - Rabbi Yechiel Pisem 7:45-8:00am | Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick 7:40-8:30

[Daf Hashavuah Weeky Email] Pesachim 2 - Introduction and Siyum

04/08/2014 01:52:01 PM


Welcome to the new Daf Hashavuah weekly email. This new email will iy"h serve as medium for further insights and discussion of the weekly daf. This email will consist of a few short insights and questions on the daf. Archives of these emails will be stored at If you would like to continue to receive this email weekly please respond to this email noting that you wish to be added to the daf Hashavuah mailing list.


NEWS: Mazal Tov to all members of the Chevra Shas on the completion of Masseches Eruvin and Sukkah. Photos of the siyum can be found here. You can also listen in to the words of Chizuk from Rabbi Yakov Sussman, Rosh Yeshiva HTC by clicking here

Pesachim 2a
בודקין את החמץ - Rashi says the reason for doing bedikas chametz is order not to transgress baal yirah and baal yimatzeh, owning and possessing chometz. Tosfos question this as one can simply be mevatel the chometz, negate the chometz in ones mind. Tosfos explain that true, on a Torah level, it is enough to be mevatel the chometz, yet Chazal were concerned that if one would not search out and destroy one’s chometz one may come to eat the chometz.

בודקין את החמץ – Tosfos questions why we are much more stringent regarding chametz than by other forbidden items. Regarding chametz we are obligated to destroy it, yet we don’t have such a stringency by other items, even those that are assur b’hanah, forbidden to derive benefit from, such as bassar b’chalav, kilayaim, orlah and the like. Tosfos explains that those items are always forbidden, while chametz is generally permitted, it is only on Pesach that it is forbidden. People don’t have the same natural aversion to chametz and therefore it must be destroyed in advance of Pesach. In addition, chametz has the added stringency that one transgresses a prohibition even by having chametz, his possession, something that doesn’t apply to other forbidden items.

מיתיבי.. מיתיבי.. מיתיבי.. מיתיבי... שמע מינה/... מיתיבי  - The gemora brings many possible proofs regarding if the word אור can be considered as a noun meaning night or day. This is highly unusual. The Rashba explains that these proofs were not all offered at the same time, rather it is a conglomeration of statements from various yeshivas gathered by Ravina and Rav Ashi. This explains why the gemora can say shema minah and yet continue to offer additional discussion.

Pesachim 2b
עולם הבא דומה ליום.. עולם הזה דומה ללילה – The gemora explains Dovid Hamelech’s words that this world is compared to the night. The sefer Mesilas Yesharim (chapter 3) explains that the darkness of the night can cause a person to make two types of mistakes. Darkness can hide things that during the daylight are clearly visible. This is dangerous as a person may walk into an obstacle or fall into a unseen pit. Even more dangerous, however, is the danger caused by the darkness changing how one sees objects. In the darkness one may see a pillar and think it is a person and visa-versa. This world, and the darkness caused by our yetzer hara, has the ability to cloud our judgment and things that we think are good and beneficial are in truth the opposite. With the light of Torah we are able to illuminate the darkness and see things clearly.  

To listen to this week's shiur please click here. Rabbi Cohen's introduction can be hear here.

Now is a great time to join a Daf shiur!
Weekly shiurim Sunday -Rabbi Zev Cohen-7:15-8:00 Shabbos-Dr. Yakov Weil after the 7:15 Shacharis
Daily Shiurim (M-F) - Rabbi Yechiel Pisem 7:45-8:00am | Rabbi Mordechai Millunchick 7:40-8:30

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyar 5784