Elevating Moments for Elul - click here
Slichos Night -Developing our relationship with Hashem Sept 24, 2016(30:42)
What is our Avoda during Elul 9-18-16 (20:21)
9-13-16 Let's Learn to Daven - LDovid Hashem (24:51 min)
Make your Elul Great again #2 Sept 15, 2016 (15:46 min)
Make your Elul Great Again #1 Sept 8, 2016 (15:02 min)
The Avoda of Elul Sept 7, 2016 (28:38 min)
Rosh Hashana Davening- September 8,2015 (41:27 min)
Starting Elul 5775 -September 6, 2015 (33:22 min)
Working on ourselves during Elul - August 24,2015-(39:57 min)
Elul Shmooze- August 18, 2015 (27:33 min)
Elul and Bein Adam L'Chaveiro - Aug 8, 2013(25:56 min)
Preparation for Elul 5773 -August 7, 2013 (8:37 min)
In Preparation for Elul (Shmooze) - Aug. 5, 2013 ( 29:34 min.)
Shabbos Shuva 5773- Kappara-Hoshana Rabba- October 6, 2012 (1:21:23 min)
Zachreinu L'C haim- September 23, 2012(23:53 min)
Whats the big deal about Apples and Honey on Rosh Hashana- September 12, 2012 (26:11 min)
Preparing for Rosh Hashana Davening 5773- September 11, 2012 (56:07 min)
Pre-Slichos Speach 5772-September 9. 2012 (34:40 min)
Whats the big deal about davening for others to do Teshuva- September 5, 2012 (23:40 min)
Elul has Begun Shmooze 5772- August 19,2012 (27:08 min)
Rosh Hashanah
Preparing for Rosh Hashana Davening - 5776 Sept 27, 2016 (44:49)
September 1, 2013 Preparing for Rosh Hashana 5774 to Women (53:32)
Aug. 31, 2013 Slichos Night: Making Rosh Hashanah Real (32:34)
Yom Kippur
Oct 6, 2016 - In advance of Yom Kippur (to Women) (23:39)
September 20, 2015 - Rabbi Zev Cohen - Getting ready for Yom Kippur (47:54)
Shabbos Shuva Drasha 5775 (1:14:43 min) This replay of the drasha was given by Rabbi Cohen on Hoshana Rabba 5775
9-10-2013 Prepare for Yom Kippur Davening (24:59)
Succos/Hoshana Raba
October 14, 2014 -Drasha on Last Night of Succos 5775 (33:15 min)
Sukkah 1- Good Neighbors Build Good Sukkahs (14:01 min)
Sukkah 2- Sukkos in Yerushalayim (14:01 min)
October 16, 2012- Hoshana Raba Schmooze (31:30 min)